H.P. Lovecraft's classic novella blending science fiction with elements of horror and psychological thriller. Through the experiences of Nathaniel Peaslee, we learn of the extraterrestrial great race of Yith. For eons, the Yithians explored space and time by projecting their...
The Shadow Out of Time circuitously tells of the Great Race of Yith, an extraterrestrial species with the capacity to tour thru area and time. The Yithians accomplish this with the aid of using switching our bodies with hosts from the supposed spatial or temporal destination...
The Shadow Out of Time indirectly tells of the Great Race of Yith, an extraterrestrial species with the ability to travel through space and time. The Yithians accomplish this by switching bodies with hosts from the intended spatial or temporal destination. The story implies that...
"The Shadow Out of Time" indirectly tells of the Great Race of Yith, an extraterrestrial species with the ability to travel through space and time. The Yithians accomplish this by switching bodies with hosts from the intended spatial or temporal destination. The story implies...
The Great Race of Yith are an extra-terrestrial species who travel through space and time by swapping their bodies with those of distant hosts. Though their motives are mostly academic, they were eventually forced to use their abilities to escape annihilation by swapping bodies...
The Shadow Out of Time indirectly tells of the Great Race of Yith, an extraterrestrial species with the ability to travel through space and time. The Yithians accomplish this by switching bodies with hosts from the intended spatial or temporal destination. The story implies that...
Howard Phillips Lovecraft was an American author of fantasy, horror and science fiction. He is notable for blending elements of science fiction and horror; and for popularizing "cosmic horror": the notion that some concepts, entities or experiences are barely comprehensible to...
Nuevo texto revisado. Nueva cubierta.Segunda selecci n de lo mejor del maestro del terror H.P. Lovecraft. Este libro contiene los siguientes 14 relatos: Las ratas en las paredes, El frecuentador de la oscuridad, El grabado en la casa, La sombra sobre Innsmouth, La sombra fuera...
The Shadow Out of Time is a novella by American horror fiction writer H. P. Lovecraft. Written between November 1934 and February 1935, it was first published in the June 1936 issue of Astounding Stories. The story describes time and space travel by mind transfer. The premise...
The Shadow Out of Time indirectly tells of the Great Race of Yith, an extraterrestrial species with the ability to travel through space and time. The Yithians accomplish this by switching bodies with hosts from the intended spatial or temporal destination. The story implies that...
Nathaniel Wingate Peaslee is a professor of political economy at Miskatonic University. Following a fainting spell in 1908 he returns to his senses in 1913 with no recollection of the last five years of his life. As he endeavors to discover the truth about his lost years, he...
Nathaniel Wingate Peaslee is a professor of political economy at Miskatonic University. Following a fainting spell in 1908 he returns to his senses in 1913 with no recollection of the last five years of his life. As he endeavors to discover the truth about his lost years, he...
The Shadow Out of Time is a novella by American horror fiction writer H. P. Lovecraft. Written between November 1934 and February 1935, it was first published in the June 1936 issue of Astounding Stories. The story describes time and space travel by mind transfer. The premise...
"The Shadow Out of Time" indirectly tells of the Great Race of Yith, an extraterrestrial species with the ability to travel through space and time. The Yithians accomplish this by switching bodies with hosts from the intended spatial or temporal destination. The story implies...
Dans l'ab me du temps (titre original: The Shadow Out of Time) est une nouvelle d'horreur fantastique, et l'un des grands textes, de l' crivain am ricain H. P. Lovecraft, publi e en juin 1936 dans le magazine Astounding Stories. Lovecraft r dige et ach ve cette nouvelle assez...
R sum La nouvelle retrace pr s de 30 ans de la vie de Nathaniel Wingate Peaslee, professeur d' conomie politique l'universit Miskatonic. Cet homme, jusque l sain d'esprit, connait une p riode d'amn sie grave entre le 14 mai 1908 (il est alors en plein cours) et le 27 septembre...
After twenty-two years of nightmare and terror, saved only by a desperate conviction of the mythical source of certain impressions, I am unwilling to vouch for the truth of that which I think I found in Western Australia on the night of 17-18 July 1935. There is reason to hope...