In The Shadow of Your Smile, worldwide bestselling author Mary Higgins Clark weaves a spellbinding thriller revolving around a long-held family secret that threatens to emerge and take the life of an unsuspecting heiress. At age eighty-two and in failing health, Olivia Morrow...
Queen of Suspense Mary Higgins Clark brings us another New York Times bestselling novel that she "prepares so carefully and executes with such relish" (The New York Times Book Review) about the search for identity by the daughter of a man adopted at birth, who may...
In The Shadow of Your Smile, worldwide bestselling author Mary Higgins Clark weaves a spellbinding thriller revolving around a long-held family secret that threatens to emerge and take the life of an unsuspecting heiress. At age eighty-two and in failing health, Olivia Morrow...