Un amanecer de 1945, un muchacho es conducido por su padre a un misterioso lugar oculto en el coraz n de la ciudad vieja: el Cementerio de los Libros Olvidados. All encuentra La Sombra del Viento, un libro maldito que cambiar el rumbo de su vida y le arrastrar a un laberinto...
"Anyone who enjoys novels that are scary, erotic, touching, tragic and thrilling should rush right out to the nearest bookstore and pick up The Shadow of the Wind. Really, you should." --Michael Dirda, The Washington Post
"Anyone who enjoys novels that are scary, erotic, touching, tragic and thrilling should rush right out to the nearest bookstore and pick up The Shadow of the Wind. Really, you should." --Michael Dirda, The Washington Post
Barcelona, 1945 just after the war, a great world city lies in shadow, nursing its wounds, and a boy named Daniel awakes on his eleventh birthday to find that he can no longer remember his mother s face. To console his only child, Daniel s widowed father, an antiquarian book...
Barcelona 1945, Semper lleva a su hijo Daniel al "cementerio de libros olvidados", un edificio grande, viejo y sombr?o, lleno de vol?menes que la gente ha ido llevando all? para preservarlos del abandono o destrucci?n; seg?n la tradici?n quien entra por primera vez tiene que...
"Anyone who enjoys novels that are scary, erotic, touching, tragic and thrilling should rush right out to the nearest bookstore and pick up The Shadow of the Wind. Really, you should." --Michael Dirda, The Washington Post