Soon to be a Netflix series starring Mia McKenna-Bruce, Helena Bonham Carter, and Martin Freeman A practical joke goes chillingly, murderously wrong in Queen of Mystery Agatha Christie's classic detective story, The Seven Dials Mystery. Gerry...
A clever murder mystery featuring recurring character Superintendent Battle that pokes light-hearted fun at the international spy thriller genre--soon to be a major Netflix series Gerry Wade is famous for over-sleeping, but when a group of his fellow young guests...
Release Date: Jan 7, 2025
Reclusive tycoon Sir Oswald Coote and his melancholy wife, Lady Coote, have hit upon the ideal plan to spice up their quiet lives. They'll host a lavish weekend party at Chimneys. their isolated estate, and invite only "bright young things." But the festive mood is clouded by...
Reclusive tycoon Sir Oswald Coote and his melancholy wife, Lady Coote, have hit upon the ideal plan to spice up their quiet lives. They'll host a lavish weekend party at Chimneys. their isolated estate, and invite only "bright young things." But the festive mood is clouded by...
In this official authorized edition from the Queen of Mystery, a practical joke goes chillingly, murderously wrong and Superintendent Battle is on the case. Now with a beautiful new series look Gerry Wade had proved himself to be a champion sleeper,...
Reclusive tycoon Sir Oswald Coote and his melancholy wife, Lady Coote, have hit upon the ideal plan to spice up their quiet lives. They'll host a lavish weekend party at Chimneys. their isolated estate, and invite only "bright young things." But the festive mood is clouded by...
Reclusive tycoon Sir Oswald Coote and his melancholy wife, Lady Coote, have hit upon the ideal plan to spice up their quiet lives. They'll host a lavish weekend party at Chimneys. their isolated estate, and invite only "bright young things." But the festive mood is clouded by...