On the tail end of a mission to steal a gold nugget, previously impossible for any man before him to accomplish, John Maynard overhears a plot to kidnap a woman. Being a man who loves a good challenge, John changes course from taking a long anticipated vacation to, hopefully, save the day.
Kellie Yassiff indulges a friend and attends a charity function without realizing the mistake this would later turn out to be. For some time after, she would be dodging one enemy after another. While on the run Kellie discovers the possibility that perhaps what she was led to believe all her life - could possibly have been a lie.
Jack Jett and Stephanie Nelson discover that there are way more people that have been kidnapped and been through the intense conditioning they have been than they have imagined. Hundreds - literally hundreds have been kidnapped, conditioned, and injected with a serum by these evil men that guard them in the compound. The more Jack and Stephanie snoop around the more they discover that something bigger is at hand than even they know. What could it be? What are these people plotting to do with all of them? Why are there so many kidnapped and thrown in here? Who is behind all of this?
Regardless of these answers, Jack and Stephanie, along with a couple of allies, determine among themselves that the operation must go down and all behind it. Since the authorities have no idea about anything so sinister taking place, they decide that they must be the ones to do it. Thanks to the serum injection that they received - they are now equipped enough that they just might have a chance.
Among all of this mayhem and plotting, God has a plan and is working all together for good.