Imagine for a moment that you are getting ready for a job interview. It is incredibly important, and you know that you need to succeed in getting the salary that you need to support your family. You try to psyche yourself up as much as you can before going in and make it a point to remind yourself that you can do this. You pray that your own determination will be enough to get you through the interview with flying colors.
However, as soon as you get to the door of the building, you feel it - that crippling self-doubt that has been with you as long as you can remember.
You wonder whether or not you can actually succeed, or if it is even worth trying to apply for that job in the first place. Do you really think that you should? Are you really good enough? The doubt continues to distract you as you force yourself to walk into the building. You go into the interview and sit, realizing that your palms are sweaty, and you can feel yourself trembling. You don't think you can do this.
You lack the self-esteem that you need to actually get through the interview. Years of being told that you are not good enough catch up to you, and you hear the words going through your mind over and over again-you are never going to be good enough.
Sure enough, you bomb in the interview. You never hear back, and your self-esteem worsens.
Does this sound familiar? If you can relate, there is a very real possibility that you suffer from low self-esteem. However, you do not have to live like this forever. You can learn to work with your low self-esteem, strengthening it into something that will benefit you in the future. You can learn to be assertive, confident and able to face your fears with ease.
The Self-Esteem Workbook is here to guide you through that journey. Delivered in a method that is meant to be easily understood but still informative, this book will provide you with:
No matter whether your self-esteem is just a bit bruised or entirely torn apart, this book can help you begin to develop a clearer picture. You may feel like you are unsure if a book can help you fix something that has been broken for years, but if you are willing to give it a try, you will find that your self-esteem can be repaired. All you need to do is the work.
Do not delay any longer-you do not have to suffer in silence for one more day. Scroll to the top of this page and click on BUY NOW to begin reading this book right away. Your guide to self-esteem is just one click away.