This book is a hilarious, satirical bucket o' fun for those of us who are proud to still be fighting the good fight against the moral police. I, for one, am proud to call myself a vodka-swilling, tobacco-smoking, un-politically correct, hedonistic, debaucherous twentysomething - and thanks to this book, I'll have all the extra tips and advice a girl could ever need when navigating the cold, gloomy winters of Boston. I loved...
This book is hilarious. It is sardonic, offensive and cynical, but in the GREATEST ways. Every page made me crack up out loud. The sad part is, the ironies of this book will be lost on some people, especially those who will see this book as "un-PC". It may seem cruel and ill-advised, but small minded people need to remember that this book is a PARODY. After reading this book, I would strongly recommend it to anyone with...
I laughed, I cried, I laughed so hard that I cried . . . We live in a Self-Help Age. In fact, I dare you to find someone who hasn't snuck a peek at one of these lifestyle-bibles, whether it's Dale Carnegie, Dr. Phil, 7 Habits, or another self-improvement book. The search is futile because we live in a culture which bombards us with a million different messages saying that we aren't good enough, productive enough, thin enough,...
Anyone who can't help smirking in the "Self-Help" section will find the recommendations in this book both slightly familiar and vaguely alluring. The fact that they're also shocking and disgusting is what makes it a good read. Stamen and Wasson succeed in making us laugh at things we suspect we ought to find deeply offensive, and their send-up of popular self-help plans and cliches is funny and informed. The book is gratifying...
This is a hilarious satire of self-help books that skewers everything from internet dating to self-mutilation and eating disorders with wit and style. The book works not only as a parody of the form but as a surprisingly insightful dissection of self-destructive behavior. Every page has material that will make the reader laugh out loud, and anyone who's ever behaved in a manner detrimental to themselves will find the writers'...