When God began to speak to me about who I was in Him, I was challenged from within as well as without. The first thing I had to do was deal with my wrong mindsets, misconceptions, and thoughts which simply was not true. Abba began to share some nuggets with me. He gave me words of correction, comfort, and encouragement as to who he created me to be. The Holy Spirit began to dig into those dark places, which were hidden from the naked eye, but exposed to the light of Truth. The master surgeon would invade my thoughts with his. This began to shift my life on many levels. The first was fear of success and failure. I had become accustomed to being in the background and allowing others to be in the forefront. When it came time for me to come out of waiting, it was both startling and a little scary. The platform which the Father was releasing was intimidating. I had been a cheerleader so long for others. I was content cheering others on from the background. The greatest challenge for me was coming into the light for Abba. The light, which was being released, was the platform of writing. This platform would be one of the avenues to release the many nuggets and lessons learned along the way. The best part is the journey and it is not over. It has only just begun.