The SEE+BE+DO Success Formula is a simple guide to knowing yourself, loving yourself, increasing your self-esteem, achieving your goals, realizing your dreams and being happy. Based on years of research and experience, Michele Hartley sets out easy steps for finding happiness and loving yourself and your life. "See it Be it Do it If you can see it, you can be it, and if you can be it you can do it." The SEE BE DO principles are easy and can be applied to everything in life.
Every chapter provides an array of quotes, ideas, tips and suggestions designed to make it easy to do things like create great personal affirmations, live a life filled with love and gratitude, be happier, know yourself, and get on track with goal setting, creating your vision and living a well-balanced life.
If you want to improve your self-esteem, be happier and achieve more, this book is for you. Along with practical advice, there are relevant quotes and exercises to help you each step of the way. Open the book to any page and you will find tidbits of advice that will encourage and enlighten you.
Easy to read and easy to implement, the SEEBEDO concept combines steps to happiness, gratitude, love, awareness, mindfulness, positive thinking, affirmations, and overcoming negative thinking, failures and fears.
The SEE+BE+DO Success Formula is all about having fun getting to know yourself, getting rid of negativity and living a positive and fulfilling life. In 22 short chapters, Michele provides hundreds of tips on how to create the life of your dreams.