Both Avi and Terry's parents set examples for their children for a happy, loving marriage. The Secrets to
a Happy Marriage of Nearly Half a Century - and Beyond emphasizes communication, affection, and
taking care of yourself as well. Avi and Terry hope readers gain and work at a successful, loving
relationship, physically and emotionally.
Terry Ring Schonwald was born in Minneapolis, MN and graduated from the University of Minnesota.
She enjoyed an extensive career in television and coordinated the National Emmy Awards for NBC. Terry
also volunteered at her children's school, running their Media Center for many years, receiving a
commendation from the L.A. Mayor for her work. She is the proud mother of one son and one daughter,
who urged her to write "Parenting Secrets Your Kids Want You to Know". She and her husband have
resided in L.A. for nearly half a century.
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