Read the original Nancy Drew mystery, the first book in the iconic mystery series that introduced readers to America's favorite teenaged sleuth The accidental rescue of a little girl who lives with her two great-aunts leads to an adventurous search for a missing...
Together in this one book are the two original Nancy Drew's mysteries, which began the classic series of the girl detective Nancy Drew investigates two cases sending her on dangerous adventures. In The Secret of the Old Clock , Nancy Drew must solve a mystery surrounding a missing...
A special treat for Nancy Drew fans, and any reader who's new to the series We're releasing a stunning new edition of an old favorite: The Secret of the Old Clock , the first book in the incredibly popular, long-running series. It's the same exciting mystery that readers have...
Read the original Nancy Drew mystery The Secret of the Old Clock is the mystery that began it all for America's favorite teenaged slueth.The accidental rescue of a little girl who lives with her two great-aunts leads to an adventurous search for a missing will."
The first book in the Nancy Drew Mystery series.
The exciting "Nancy Drew Mystery Stories" "RM" compilation includes The Secret of the Old Clock, The Hidden Staircase, and The Bungalow Mystery. Full of action, intrigue, and adventure, these three stories were the first Nancy Drew books ever published, initiating generations...
Read the original Nancy Drew mystery The Secret of the Old Clock is the mystery that began it all for America's favorite teenaged slueth.The accidental rescue of a little girl who lives with her two great-aunts leads to an adventurous search for a missing will."