G. K. Chesterton's celebrity priest-detective returns in The Secret of Father Brown, the fourth of five collections of short stories featuring Father Brown. Through his uncanny ability to anticipate the actions of others and his profound understanding of human nature, Father...
El Padre J. Brown es un personaje de ficci n creado por el novelista ingl s G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936). Es el protagonista de unas cincuenta historias cortas recopiladas posteriormente en cinco libros. Para crear este personaje Chesterton se inspir en el Padre John O'Connor...
Father Brown is a fictional Roman Catholic priest and amateur detective who is featured in 53 short stories published between 1910 and 1936 written by English novelist G. K. Chesterton. Father Brown solves mysteries and crimes using his intuition and keen understanding of...
Father Brown, an unassuming and shabbily dressed priest, possesses an incredible ability to solve crimes and murders. Here he reveals the secret of his success. He discovers the culprit by imagining himself to be inside the mind of the criminal. This fourth collection of Father...
Father Brown returns in his fourth collection of stories, and his sidekick Flambeau makes a return as well, although only in the two framing stories at the beginning and end of the collection. In the intervening ten stories, Father Brown is alone, and investigating mysteries...
Father Brown is a fictional Roman Catholic priest and amateur detective who is featured in 53 short stories published between 1910 and 1936 written by English novelist G. K. Chesterton. Father Brown solves mysteries and crimes using his intuition and keen understanding of...
Father Brown returns in his fourth collection of stories, and his sidekick Flambeau makes a return as well, although only in the two framing stories at the beginning and end of the collection. In the intervening ten stories, Father Brown is alone, and investigating mysteries...
In G.K. Chesterton's The Secret of Father Brown, the unassuming priest-turned-sleuth uncovers the truth behind perplexing mysteries. With keen observation and profound insight into human nature, he navigates through the intricacies of crime, revealing the hidden depths beneath...
The Father Brown Series A collection of short stories featuring the fictional detective-priest, Father Brown. Father Brown is a clever and unassuming clergyman with a deep understanding of human nature and a keen ability to solve mysteries...
"Pater Brown - filmisch einst wunderbar von Heinz R?hmann dargestellt - ist ein englischer katholischer Pfarrer, der als Hobby Kriminalf?lle l?st - sehr zum Ungemach des Bischofs. Er l?st die F?lle, indem er sich besonders begabt in die T?ter hineinversetzt und so die Motive...
"Pater Brown - filmisch einst wunderbar von Heinz R?hmann dargestellt - ist ein englischer katholischer Pfarrer, der als Hobby Kriminalf?lle l?st - sehr zum Ungemach des Bischofs. Er l?st die F?lle, indem er sich besonders begabt in die T?ter hineinversetzt und so die Motive...