"I read everything by Agatha Christie."--Gillian Flynn In this official edition featuring exclusive content from the Queen of Mystery, a young drifter finds more than he bargained for. Little did Anthony Cade...
'The Secret of Chimneys, ' an unforgettable classic from legendary British author, Agatha Christie. Marking the first appearance of Agatha Christie's character Inspector Battle, it was first published in 1925 and went on to be a hit among readers. This mystery novel follows...
Murder, political intrigue, theft, secret identities, and deception--this Agatha Christie mystery has it all! In this fast-paced mystery from Agatha Christie--one of the masters of detective fiction--Prince Michael, heir to the throne of Herzoslovakia, is found...
Eager to leave his job as a tour guide in Zimbabwe, international vagabond Anthony Cade meets by chance an old acquaintance who offers him a small sum to dispatch a few errands in England. Ensuing events find Cade at a weekend party at Chimneys, the historic home of Lord Caterham,...