When Brian McLaren began offering an alternative vision of Christian faith and life in books such as "A New Kind of Christian" and "A Generous Orthodoxy, " he ignited a firestorm of praise and condemnation that continues to spread across the religious landscape. To some religious...
When Brian McLaren began offering an alternative vision of Christian faith and life in books such as A New Kind of Christian and A Generous Orthodoxy, he ignited a firestorm of praise and condemnation that continues to spread across the religious landscape...
Brian McLaren, mencionado como uno de los "25 evang?licos m?s influyentes en los Estados Unidos" por la Revista TIME regresa y esta vez para llevar a los lectores en una traves?a que ser? turbulenta y estremecedora, como tambi?n emocionante y transformadora. Sin temor a la...