At last, the Dark Lords Marvin and Suzanne have suffered defeat at the hands of eleven heroes: Rilk, Mary, Englar, Chris, Jack, Fred, Tom, Larina, Victor, Angela, and the Eternal Shadow. However, the prophecy must go on. The Shadow is destined to wage and even lose a martial arts battle against Victor and Angela, so that the Shadow can either recruit them to his cause or involuntarily assist their own cause. After the battle, Victor and Angela remain firm to their own goal: to take revenge on Rilk and Mary for sharing a stronger friendship than what Victor could ever share with Rilk. Angela absorbs the Shadow's power, while Victor absorbs power from the Fading Star, a primordial fellow to the Shadow who has also roamed the universe for billions of years.
As it turns out, the prophecy had also predicted a martial arts battle between Victor and the duo of Rilk and Mary. Victor will stop at nothing to punish Mary for being the "corrupter" and Rilk for being the "corrupted." Larina fights alongside Rilk and Mary, while Angela fights along Victor, so a three-versus-two battle must go underway. The solar system shall shake at the intense, ferocious force of the blows between the five youths. There is no longer a battle of good versus evil, but a battle between two factions of good. Rilk, Mary, Larina, Victor, and Angela fight passionately for what they believe to be right. One thing is for sure: The world will look upon this great battle and forever change the way they have always thought about friendship and love. Can Rilk, Mary, and Larina successfully hold back the onslaught of Victor and Angela and thoroughly protect Rilk and Mary's bond of little brother and big sister?