Some time ago, I was desperate to get my hands on this particular TPB. It wasn't possible, but, at last, I own my own copy! I had read this some years ago, recommended by a friend really into American comics. Back then, I was not really interested in them, having gotten to a point of extreme boredom over superhero comics, that looked all the same to me, except for this or that good author (like Frank Miller, who penned "Year...
The Doll's House is my favorite still out of all the other books in the series, and the first one I read. Gaiman has a way of crafting the human characters so they're unrealistically realistic (simple yet complex, childlike and cynical, insightful and ignorant, with an eternal late '80s - early '90s-ish air). Rose Walker has always been my favorite among those. Also Gilbert and the Corinthian make it more memorable (the serial...
This is the best of the Sandman collected volumes. It is frightening, lyrical, and moving all the same time. Gaiman really knows how to tell a story, and the occasional cliched language in some of the other volumes is not apparent here. This is sharp writing--- and gorgeous artwork--- from beginning to end.
Second in the Sandman comic book series, The Doll's House is much better than its predecessor, Preludes and Nocturnes. I find that with most Sandman stories, you read the whole thing just going "wow, this is really cool"...and then just when you thought it couldn't get better, at the end Neil Gaiman suddenly ties it together and leaves you absolutely breathless. The Doll's House is probably the most disturbing Sandman,...
THE DOLL'S HOUSE is the arc that Gaiman himself says is where he realised what he wanted to do with the characters and where he wanted to go with the SANDMAN story. This edition begins with two stories that both stand apart from the rest of the series, but that also both have significant influence on THE DOLL'S HOUSE storyline and beyond. The first, "The Sound of Her Wings" introduces Dream's big sister in a profound and...