The Royal Road to Romance is the travel classic in which a happy, young romanticist goes laughing and beating and fighting his vagabond way into the glamorous corners of the world. When Richard Halliburton graduated from Princeton, he chose adventure over...
In "The Royal Road to Romance" by Richard Halliburton, embark on an extraordinary journey around the world alongside a daring adventurer seeking the thrill of discovery, the wonders of ancient civilizations, and the untamed beauty of nature. This captivating memoir takes readers...
When Richard Halliburton graduated from college, he chose adventure over a career, traveling the world with almost no money. The Royal Road to Romance chronicles what happened as a result, from a breakthrough Matterhorn ascent to being jailed for taking forbidden pictures on...
"The Royal Road to Romance" chronicles the author's choice of adventure over career after graduating from college in the early 1900s, and includes his recollections of a breakthrough ascent of the Matterhorn to being jailed on Gibraltar for taking forbidden photos.