From the pen of legendary historical novelist Jean Plaidy comes an unforgettable true story of royalty, passion, and innocence lost. Born into an impoverished branch of the noble Howard family, young Katherine is plucked from her home to live with her grandmother, the Duchess...
"I DIE A QUEEN, BUT I WOULD RATHER DIE THE WIFE OF THOMAS CULPEPPER." If Katherine Howard had not been born both poor and beautiful, or had she not been adopted by her grandmother, the Dowager Duchess of Norfolk, she might indeed have wed her childhood playmate, Thomas Culpepper...
"I DIE A QUEEN, BUT I WOULD RATHER DIE THE WIFE OF THOMAS CULPEPPER." If Katherine Howard had not been born both poor and beautiful, or had she not been adopted by her grandmother, the Dowager Duchess of Norfolk, she might indeed have wed her childhood playmate, Thomas Culpepper...
"I DIE A QUEEN, BUT I WOULD RATHER DIE THE WIFE OF THOMAS CULPEPPER." If Katherine Howard had not been born both poor and beautiful, or had she not been adopted by her grandmother, the Dowager Duchess of Norfolk, she might indeed have wed her childhood playmate, Thomas Culpepper...