The Romance of the Red Triangle is a novel written by Arthur Keysall Yapp and published in 1918. The book tells the story of a young man named Ronald who joins the YMCA during World War I and is sent to France to provide support for the troops. While there, he becomes involved...
The Romance of the Red Triangle is a historical novel written by Arthur Keysall Yapp in 1918. The book is set during World War I and tells the story of a young British soldier named Jack who becomes involved with the YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) and its efforts to...
The Romance of the Red Triangle is a historical novel written by Arthur Keysall Yapp and published in 1918. The book is set during World War I and follows the story of a young British soldier named Dick Mercer who is wounded in battle and sent to a hospital run by the YMCA's...
The romance of the red triangle. The story of the coming of the red triangle and the service rendered by the Y. M. C. A. To the sailors and soldiers of the British empire This book, "The romance of the red triangle", by Arthur Keysall Yapp, is a replication of a book originally...
The romance of the red triangle. The story of the coming of the red triangle and the service rendered by the Y.M.C.A. To the sailors and soldiers of the British empire This book, "The romance of the red triangle", by Arthur Keysall Yapp, is a replication of a book originally...
The Romance of the Red Triangle is a historical novel written by Arthur Keysall Yapp and published in 1918. The book tells the story of a young man named John Strangeways who joins the YMCA during World War I and is sent to France to work in a Red Triangle hut. The Red Triangle...