The Role of the Church in Nation Building contains sermons from 2009 to 2019. These are indeed words of renewal as the subtitle confesses. These handpicked yearly sermons educate your mind about what it means to be a born again Christian. This book helps you think about your individual roles in nation building, before you complain about what others aren't doing right.
The book defines Trinity as a unity we all must embrace as individual Christians in South Sudan, Africa and as the body of Christ all over the world. It teaches us how to relate and be united with God in a personal level. This personal relationship with God affects how we treat our own selves and others around us.
The book divides the year into church times and seasons, where different things happen. This yearly division occurs throughout the book for a purpose of making each year's plans and actions as clear as possible. As the book itself is made of words, sentences, paragraphs and pages, each year is made up of microseconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and months.
As you read this book, we pray that your soul may find true peace-peace beyond the written documents. We hope that you will experience personal identity with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We pray that this union with God will bring true peace and joy into your life, family, tribe and nation. God bless you