Gracie Sheehan's mundane mid-life existence implodes when she unexpectedly loses her husband Blair and her job within an eight-week span. To further complicate matters, Blair's indiscretion creates a substantial financial burden for Gracie and her daughter Tess.
Livy Bless, divorced and living life through an adventurous career, offers to share her family's estate home with Gracie until she settles herself and her financial affairs. A series of surprising events nudge Gracie towards new and unprepared roles, which include lover, dog-sitter, and that of a reluctant respite caregiver to Livy's distant uncle, a crotchety recluse with secrets of his own.
An insecure widow, Gracie is pulled from her Toronto roots to the tiny hamlet of New Pelham, where she is forced to question her own values, integrity and life goals.