The River Crossing is a boy-meets-girl romance novel oscillating between late 1800s Ireland and present day. Daisy, a Catholic girl from a farming family of meager means, meets Morgan, a Protestant boy from an educated family with political influences. Their ensuing love story is seen through the present-day perceptions of Chloe, a coming-of-age and clever but somewhat confused woman. The novel embraces elements of fantasy; telepathy and cellular communication are examined. You will meet a 'talking' horse! The storyline emphasizes the complexities and conundrums . . . and perhaps, some believe, the crises facing modern day. Any political undertones are subtle and left to the reader to contemplate or not. The story is underscored with a deliberation between the concepts of religious faith versus scientific enlightenment . . . and hints that, perhaps, they are the same.
At times, light-hearted and witty, at others, dark and brooding, The River Crossing takes you on a spellbinding journey of love and romance all the while eccompassing the porportions of tragedy in a unique and interesting way.