IF you had invested $25,000 in the Dow in March 2009, you would have nearly $100,000 today (September 2020). A nearly 300% return on your money, that's excluding yearly dividends, so it's probably more than that if you had reinvested dividends as well. If you want to capitalize on such an opportunity again, please read on...
The Dow was priced at 7,200 in March 2009, during the Great Recession in '08-09. In early September 2020, even the in the midst of a global pandemic, the Dow is trading at 28,000. Every individual MUST LEARN TO INVEST. BUT...
Most people fear investing, why? The reason is: people fear what they don't know. I get it, you feel like... you don't know what you don't know. I'm glad you stumbled on this book. It will change your life.
The Retail Investor: Invest Masterfully and Achieve Financial Freedom combines all 3 volumes of The Retail Investor series and made available to all readers at a special price. Get EMPOWERED with financial knowledge that will last you a lifetime
First, the technical knowledge required for investing in the stock market. "The Retail Investor: How to analyse businesses in the stock market" contains detailed knowledge and insight on how to pick the right stocks, using timeless valuation methods utilized by investing legends such as Warren Buffet, Benjamin Graham, Walter Schloss, and Peter Lynch.Ever heard the phrase, it takes money to make money? It's a misconception. People think it takes A LOT OF MONEY to make a lot of money. Nonsense. What if I told you that saving and investing just $30,000 in your 20s and 30s can potentially make you a millionaire by 65? It is possible, in fact, it's almost a complete certainty that YOU WILL RETIRE WEALTHY AND FINANCIALLY FREE, if you would just follow the steps laid out in this book.
You fear the stock market fluctuations, "what if the market goes down by 90%? " This book will teach rules on how to manage your money and investments properly, so that you can invest confidently in ANY MARKET SITUATION. NEVER FEAR.
Now, if you have some savings sitting idly in your bank account, stop procrastinating on the day you'll eventually start investing. Every single day not invested in the stock market can potentially cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars in the years to come. DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER and BUY THIS BOOK NOW Learn to invest on your own and take charge of your financial destiny. No one handles your money better than YOU.
May your days ahead be profitable and productive. God Bless