A magical book that has become an enduring children's classic, The Red Balloon is the story of a young boy and his best friend--a bright red balloon. Chock-full of photographs of the boy, the balloon and the captivating city of Paris. A New York Times Best Illustrated Children's...
Based on the Academy Award-winning film, The Red Balloon is the moving story of a boy and his best friend--a bright red balloon. Told through captivating photographs taken during filming, and set against the unmistakable beauty of the streets of Paris, Albert Lamorisse's...
Based on the Academy Award-winning film, The Red Balloon is the moving story of a boy and his best friend--a bright red balloon. Told through captivating photographs taken during filming, and set against the unmistakable beauty of the streets of Paris, Albert Lamorisse's...
Anthony Clark's award-winning adaptation of Albert Lamorisse's Fifties French film, The Red Balloon, follows the adventures of a lonely Parisian boy and a stray balloon which befriends him. It enjoyed a successful run at the National Theatre in 1996.