The rousing Kent family saga continues as Philip Kent fights for his new country alongside the greatest figures of the Revolutionary War The engrossing follow-up to The Bastard finds Philip Kent standing as a Continental solider at the Battle of Bunker Hill...
A patriot soldier in the ragtag Continental army, Philip Kent defies the rule of the British crown, fighting for the future of his adopted American homeland and the future of his wife and newborn son. And when Philip's heroism draws the attention of General George Washington,...
The passionate chronicle of Philip Kent, patriot soldier, and the colorful array of men and women--both famous and unknown--whose destiny propelled them into the epic struggle for American independence.
A patriot soldier in the ragtag Continental army, Philip Kent defies the rule of the British crown, fighting for the future of his adopted American homeland and the future of his wife and newborn son. And when Philip's heroism draws the attention of General George Washington,...