One may wonder why counselling is linked to deliverance. Well, if you consider what counselling is all about, be it professional or pastoral or simply speaking to someone about their problems, the goal is the same - healing and deliverance. Any trauma, mental sickness, suffering or hurt is a form of a stronghold that needs to be dealt with and broken down. It is an inner storm that needs to be stilled, inner demons that need to be faced and bondages of the spirit and soul that needs to be broken. You see, we all need deliverance from such strongholds because pain, rejection, fear, guilt, shame, trauma or anger for example enslaves us. We all need deliverance from certain yokes and bondages, for even wrong mindsets and hurt can cripple us emotionally, spiritually and can even lead to our bodies suffering sickness and ailments. Ultimately, no matter your pain, trauma, affliction, hurt, or oppression, it serves as a form of enslavement. God does not want us to be enslaved. He wants us to be free, liberated, restored and healed. Remember, God ultimately wants us to be healed spiritually, then in the soul and then in the body. True spiritual counselling thus adopts a holistic approach, dealing with the spirit, soul and body.