From time to time you may hear someone say, "That's a good question." This can mean a variety of things to the one who says it and to those who hear it. Usually it means, "I'll have to think of an answer." As I read the questions of Christ in the Gospels, I was constantly saying to myself, "That's a good question..." and almost immediately I would add, "... and it deserves an honest answer."
Then I endeavored to gather and examine all the recorded questions Jesus asked throughout His life and ministry and honestly attempted to answer them, or to apply their rhetorical truth, one by one, for myself. The idea of this guide is for you, the reader, to do the same. You will find here, riches yet untapped, available by a simple honest approach to the questions of Christ.
Answers to these questions provide a sound basis to answer questions of life. A foundation of solid understanding awaits an honest seeker. Much of our time and consideration is given to the questions that we ask God. These questions often go unanswered and leave us in a state of confusion worse than before we asked. Is it that they have no answer? But what about the questions He asked us? Because they were formulated in the mind of the Son of God they must be answerable and of inestimable value as well.
In this day, we chase to and fro to find someone to help us, to motivate us, to guide us. Communicators we may have among us, but one with such a message, one with such pure motivation, one with pure caring and love for His audience, is more difficult to find. To whom but Jesus could we ascribe our unrestrained trust with our very lives? Unfortunately, His Bible, though still a best seller, remains least read. Alas, Bibles bought, but not owned; stories read but not heard; questions asked but not answered.
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