First published in 1885, The Purple Land was the first novel of William Henry Hudson, author of Green Mansions. The Anglo-Argentine naturalist distinguished himself both as one of the finest craftsmen of prose in English literature and as a thinker on ecological matters far...
The Purple Land is a novel set in 19th century Uruguay by William Henry Hudson, first published in 1885 under the title The Purple Land that England Lost. Initially a commercial and critical failure, it was reissued in 1904 with the full title The Purple Land, Being One Richard...
LA TIERRA PURPUREA se public por primera vez en el a o 1885. Al referirse Hudson a esta bell sima novela, en su prefacio a la edici n de 1904, dice: "Algunas noticias acerca del libro aparecieron en la prensa, una o dos de las m s serias revistas literarias, critic ndolo -no...
Excerpt: ...and more powerful song than the English bird. On the other side of the hedge was the potrero, or paddock, where a milch-cow with two or three horses were kept. The manservant, whose name was Nepomucino, presided over orchard and paddock, also to some extent over the...
"The Purple Land: Richard Lamb's Odyssey in the Banda Orient l" by W. H. Hudson, also known as Guillermo Enrique Hudson in Argentina, debuted in 1885, offering a captivating narrative that intertwines adventure, romance, and self-discovery. Follow the escapades of Richard...
"The Purple Land" is a novel by W. H. Hudson, a British-Argentine author known for his naturalist writing. The book tells the story of Richard Lamb, a young Englishman who travels to Uruguay in search of adventure and fortune. Set against the backdrop of the Uruguayan countryside,...