Almost teaching credentialed graduate student Mackinnon Flores sets off on a vintage train from Narrow Interior Massachusetts to Merveilleux City, Quebec to attend a pipe band convention. Barely underway, he feels obliged to help an aggravating, but intriguing young woman named...
Sarassine Anfang is a precocious, queer-curious Los Angeles teen, who grows so fed up with her wealthy, dysfunctional Jewish Hancock Park family that she decides to run away to her grandfather's Wilshire condo, and become a plumber. But her chocolate eating...
Stephanie Hammer's debut novel takes you to the eastern United States where strange characters converge to revitalize a small town and discover its history. Henry Holbein, the main player, is a simple man with a unique perspective that accidentally brings objects to life and...
One of the founders of German national literature, Friedrich A. Schiller (1759-1805) was that country's most important neoclassical playwright. In Schiller's Wound, Stephanie Hammer shows that Schiller was also one of the first self-conscious explorers of psychological trauma...
In this mini-collection of city/country poems in mostly free verse, Stephanie Barb? Hammer runs in and out of sprinklers in a Manhattan playground, picks up a slug by accident in the Cascades, reads about sequoia on 5th avenue, make an uncomfortable journey to the H?pital...