In Ephesians 4:1-16, Jesus gave five specific spiritual gifts for the equipping and building up of the church to display his fullness in the world. Yet only two are primarily used today--shepherds and teachers. What would happen if we activated the missing 60 percent--apostles, prophets, and evangelists? Following Jesus' model of learning by doing, this training manual in the fivefold ministry of Christ will energize and infuse new life into your faith, your church, or your organization, as his pulse pumps through your spiritual veins. This book not only outlines why the fivefold is important for the health and maturity of the church, it also provides five practical exercises for each of the five areas. Designed to be simple, reproducible, and cross-cultural, these exercises are ideal for equipping small groups, youth groups, missions teams, organizations, whole churches, church plants, and ministry schools. Discover for yourself the powerful fivefold ministry Jesus designed for the church, and be amazed as he reveals the part he wants you to play.