Do you know what it feels like to wake up one day in the hospital to find your mind is blank? Have you felt lost because there's nothing or no one who can help fill in the blanks or tell you who you are?
The only thing I know for certain is that my name is Walt. No last name or anything else to remember. It's been a struggle for four long years to try to remember any part of me. That is until a single flash of a memory pertaining to my former life hit me.
"I have a brother. His name is Whit."
Seeing some random woman with dark hair on the tv screen unlocks a bad feeling about my disappearance
Because of these memories, I am on my way to Glenn Royal, California... and I'm in the car with a girl who's afraid of her own shadow, Everest Bautista, a girl that's going to change my life forever. What she doesn't get is that I plan on flipping her world upside down.
Afterall, I am Walt Cambridge, the Prodigal Twin.