The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell is an essential read for anyone interested in philosophy. This seminal work provides a concise introduction to the fundamental questions of philosophy, such as the nature of truth, the existence of the external world, and the nature...
The Problems of Philosophy is a 1912 book by Bertrand Russell, in which Russell attempts to create a brief and accessible guide to the problems of philosophy. Focusing on problems he believes will provoke positive and constructive discussion, Russell concentrates on knowledge...
First published in 1912, Bertrand Russell's The Problems of Philosophy has never been out of print and is essential reading for philosophy students. In clear and concise language, Russell introduces to the reader the key theories of Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, David...
The Problems of Philosophy, Bertrand Russell's enduring masterpiece, invites readers on an intellectual odyssey through the fundamental inquiries that have intrigued humanity for centuries. Russell skillfully introduces important theories of Plato, Aristotle, Ren Descartes,...
In Problems of Philosophy Russell attempts to create a brief and accessible guide to the problems of philosophy. He introduces important theories of Plato, Aristotle, Rene Descartes, David Hume, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, Georg Hegel and others to lay the foundation for philosophical...
Bertrand Russell was one of the greatest logicians since Aristotle, and one of the most important philosophers of the past two hundred years. As we approach the 125th anniversary of the Nobel laureate's birth, his works continue to spark debate, resounding with unmatched timeliness...
The Problems of Philosophy, written by Bertrand Russell and published in 1912, is considered to be one of the best introductions to philosophy. In this book Russell also presents why he believes philosophy has been very important to the development of society as we know it.Bertrand...
'The Problems of Philosophy' is a 1912 book by the philosopher Bertrand Russell, in which he attempts to create a brief and accessible guide to the problems of philosophy. It was Russel's venture to succinctly summarize problems in the subject of philosophy that prompted...
In Problems of Philosophy Russell attempts to create a brief and accessible guide to the problems of philosophy. He introduces important theories of Plato, Aristotle, Ren Descartes, David Hume, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, Georg Hegel and others to lay the foundation for philosophical...
Contents: I. Appearance and Reality
II. The Existence of Matter
III. The Nature of Matter
IV. Idealism
V. Knowledge by Acquaintance and Knowledge by Description
VI. On Induction
VII. On our Knowledge of General Principles
Immensely intelligible, thought-provoking guide by Nobel Prize winner considers such topics as the distinction between appearance and reality, the existence and nature of matter, idealism, inductive logic, intuitive knowledge, many other subjects. For students and general readers,...
Russell gu?a al lector a trav?s de su famosa distinci?n del a?o 1910 entre "conocimiento directo (knowledge by acquaintance) y conocimiento por descripci?n (knowledge by description)" e introduce importantes teor?as de Plat?n, Arist?teles, Ren? Descartes, David Hume, John Locke,...
Nobel laureate Bertrand Russell was a notable 20th century British philosopher, mathematician, historian, social critic, and political activist. Considered one of the founders of analytical philosophy, Russell was an iconoclast who helped lead the revolt against British idealism,...
In The Problems of Philosophy, Bertrand Russell attempts to create a brief and accessible guide to the problems of philosophy. He introduces philosophy as a repeating series of (failed) attempts to answer the same questions: Can we prove that there is an external world? Can we...
Bertrand Russel's The Problems of Philosophy is a classic text that both analyzes and explains the best ways to approach philosophical discussion. First published in 1912, the book is a must read because it does not simply look at one set philosophy, but rather all thinking styles,...