Barcelona, 1957. Daniel Sempere y su amigo Ferm n, los h roes de La Sombra del Viento , regresan de nuevo a la aventura para afrontar el mayor desaf o de sus vidas. Justo cuando todo empezaba a sonre rles, un inquietante personaje visita la librer a de Sempere y amenaza con desvelar...
"A deep and mysterious novel full of people that feel real. . . .An enthralling read and a must-have for your library. Zaf n focuses on the emotion of the reader and doesn't let go." -- Seattle Post-Intelligencer Internationally acclaimed, New...
Once again, internationally acclaimed, New York Times bestselling author Carlos Ruiz Zaf n creates a rich, labyrinthine tale of love, literature, passion, and revenge, set in a dark, gothic Barcelona, in which the heroes of The Shadow of the Wind and The Angel's Game must contend...
Barcelona, 1957. Daniel Sempere y su amigo Fermín, los héroes de La Sombra del Viento, regresan de nuevo a la aventura para afrontar el mayor desafío de sus vidas. Justo cuando todo empezaba a sonreírles, un inquietante personaje visita la librería de Sempere y amenaza...
Once again, internationally acclaimed, New York Times bestselling author Carlos Ruiz Zaf?n creates a rich, labyrinthine tale of love, literature, passion, and revenge, set in a dark, gothic Barcelona, in which the heroes of The Shadow of the Wind and The Angel's Game must contend...