The Prince of Atlantis is a novel written by Lillian Elizabeth Roy. The book tells the story of a young prince named Amos who lives in the underwater city of Atlantis. Amos is the son of the king and queen of Atlantis, and he is next in line to inherit the throne. However, Amos...
The Prince of Atlantis is a fantasy novel written by Lillian Elizabeth Roy. The book tells the story of a young prince named Arion who lives in the underwater city of Atlantis. Arion is the son of King Triton and Queen Amphitrite, and he is destined to become the next ruler of...
The Prince of Atlantis is a novel written by Lillian Elizabeth Roy. The story revolves around a young boy named Prince Neolus, who is the heir to the throne of the lost city of Atlantis. The novel is set in a time when Atlantis was a prosperous and powerful city, ruled by a just...