THE PRIEST IS NOT HIS OWN By Fulton J. Sheen The Priest Is Not His Own is far more than a book for priests or for those considering the priesthood as a vocation. In these penetrating, deeply pondered discussions of the priesthood, Bishop...
THE PRIEST IS NOT HIS OWN By Fulton J. Sheen The Priest Is Not His Own is far more than a book for priests or for those considering the priesthood as a vocation. In these penetrating, deeply pondered discussions of the...
Description Author Bio The beloved Archbishop Sheen, whose cause for canonization is open in Rome, presents a profound and deeply spiritual look at the meaning of the priesthood and relationship of the priest with Christ as an "alter Christus."
THE PRIEST IS NOT HIS OWN - Becoming The Father God Has Called You to Be By Fulton J. Sheen The Priest Is Not His Own is far more than a book for priests or for those considering the priesthood as a vocation...
THE PRIEST IS NOT HIS OWN - Becoming The Father God Has Called You to Be By Fulton J. Sheen The Priest Is Not His Own is far more than a book for priests or for those considering the priesthood as a vocation...
The Priest Is Not His Own by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen is a profound and spiritually rich exploration of the priesthood in the Catholic tradition. Written by one of the most celebrated theologians and communicators of the 20th century, the book provides deep insights into...
The Priest Is Not His Own by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen is a profound and spiritually rich exploration of the priesthood in the Catholic tradition. Written by one of the most celebrated theologians and communicators of the 20th century, the book provides deep insights into...