Building your dream is serious business. I does not just happen, you need to take control of your life and just do it...The events and stories in this book can help you recognize how our actions DO have RE-actions that can change the world we live in. The only thing you need is, hard work, commitment and dedication. DO not believe in what other might say, read it from the source, and you too can reach your untapped potential...
I've been a Pre-Paid Legal member for 16 years. As a single parent raising 3 children, this membership has been a LIFE SAVER. PPLSI has saved me countless thousands, especially on car warranties that insurance companies did NOT want to honor. They have helped me with insurance claims too. The adjuster is NOT your friend. It is their job to reduce or deny your claim !Pre-Paid Legal is one of the main PIONEERS in the Industry,...
As the great Dr. Martin Luther King once said, " We refuse to believe that the Bank of Justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so we've come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand, the riches of freedom and the security of justice." If only he had met Mr. Harland Stonecipher. No matter what race, creed, color,...
I suppose I am biased. My life totally changed 5 short months ago when I became a Pre-Paid Legal Associate. I had the service and only mentioned it casually to friends, when I discovered the need in the marketplace. Pre-Paid Legal is a much needed service and it is going to change the face of justice in this country. It is amazing how much money the Pre-Paid Legal Associates are making simply by telling others about this...
The essense of a great mind is a powerful imagination, because without being able to imagine things the way they are NOT, not even the greatest intellect can change things from the way they are. Harland Stonecipher's imagination of a world in which affordable access to justice--true equal justice under law for everyone, not just the rich--has become a reality thanks to the hard work and sacrifice of himself and his associates...