This book provides practical and comprehensive guidance for national practising lawyers (judges and litigation attorneys) on the application of EU/EEA law before national courts.
It describes the essential rules regarding the application of EU/EEA law before national judicial instances and structures them systematically, in order to enable national judges and litigation attorneys to comprehend the main standards. In short, the book is about legal norms that would fall under the category of civil and administrative procedural law in a national legal order. These rules, developed by the ECJ and the EFTA Court, govern when and how national judges should apply EU/EEA law in national proceedings. The book is divided into six chapters, each dealing with a specific topic. For pragmatic purposes, the structure of the chapters is uniform and each chapter can be read individually. As the norms have been developed by the ECJ/EFTA court and consist, mainly, of case law principles, the topics are presented based on thorough analysis of the judgments rendered by those courts. The book's unique practical focus makes a great addition to the library of any national lawyer and EU law expert.Related Subjects