From the luxury of a cozy chair you can tap into a comprehensive program for self study in personal effectiveness- these power principles are worthy of a $20,000 course! Connie Dugan, Certified Business Coach for The Heart of Business.
This book is the most complete book from A to Z covering the topic of personal development. Dr. Rubino explains the different steps in a detailed, yet simple process. It gets you thinking about who you are and who you want to become through"change". His use of quotations of many famous people through the years, share with you that personal development has been around for many years and that it is highly under utilized...
This book is filled with life enhancing ~ contents ~ growth experiences ~ developmental chapters. These meaningful chapters can be utilized in incremental stages. The way we utilize the book is to read it all first in its entirety. Then taking a principle one at a time and utilizing the information on how you can enhance your life as well as those around you, we use and practice one principle a week with a small focus group...
This is the book to read if you want to make lasting changes in your life.I have been able to follow these effective principles and am able to see the difference in my life for the better. I highly recommend this book.
What a great book! Dr. Joe Rubino once again shares his mastery of success principles with a readership who is likely to devour every morsel of information he has so willingly shared. Not only is he an excellent teacher, but he's achieved in his own life the type of success he teaches. The two don't necessarily go together :-) With Joe they do. This book is Dr. Joe's masterpiece! A brilliant system for reaching great heights...