I am Silke Ritzel, 56 years old, married and mother of two children. With this book I would like to encourage you to think about the following questions.
Who am I? What am I? What am I doing here? The answers to these questions are deeply rooted within you, and everyone has their own answers.
I realized that in order to get answers to my questions, my lifestyle and beliefs needed to change. Like most people, I was on the hamster wheel, and I had no idea that a very different path was destined for me, and for each of us.
Before I woke up, a tragic event occurred in my life. From that moment I realized that I had to say goodbye to my TV in order to have more time for the important things in life.
I started to change, more and more, because I made myself independent from many things, be it coffee, nicotine, alcohol, medicine. I also changed my diet to a vegan one. Through these many changes, I became a different person. My senses became much more intense and I am healthier and happier than ever before.
About three years ago, I decided to turn my back on Germany to stay in the Philippines for a longer period of time. Unfortunately, I could not convince my family to do so, and so, with a heavy heart, we parted ways. It was a difficult and hard decision for me to leave my family and friends, simply my whole life, behind me.
But from this point on, no one could stop me, because my decision was made. I only follow my heart and courageously go my own way.
When I first arrived in the Philippines, the friendliest country in the world, I felt like I had always belonged here.
My book is meant to inspire you to change your old, negative beliefs into positive ones. You will quickly realize that your life will also change for the better. I also guarantee that this inner work will be worth it for you, and you will not regret it.
Read this book if you are ready to free yourself from old shackles and live a happy, self-determined and healthy life.
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