"One of the wittiest, most playful, and . . . most alive and ageless books ever written." --Dave Eggers, The New Yorker A revelatory new translation of the playful, incomparable masterpiece of one of the greatest Black authors in the Americas A Penguin...
Now considered a progenitor of South American fiction, Machado de Assis's highly experimental novel is finally rendered as a stunningly contemporary work. Narrating from beyond the grave, Br?s Cubas--an enigmatic, amusing and frequently insufferable antihero--describes...
"I passed away at two o'clock in the afternoon on a Friday in August in 1869, in my beautiful mansion in the Catumbi district of the city." So begins Machado de Assis's Posthumous Memoirs of Br?s Cubas, told eerily from beyond the grave. First appearing in Brazil in 1881, this...
Bem-vindo ao universo extraordinario de Machado de Assis, um dos maiores vultos da literatura Luso-Brasileira de sempre. Nesta edi o de Mem rias P stumas de Br s Cubas, trazemos at si a melhor edi o esta admir vel pe a liter ria do final do s culo XIX. Mem rias P stumas de...
Algum tempo hesitei se devia abrir estas memorias pelo principio ou pelo fim, isto , se poria em primeiro logar o meu nascimento ou a minha morte. Supposto o uso vulgar seja come ar pelo nascimento, duas considera es me levaram a adoptar differente methodo: a primeira que...
Mem rias P stumas de Br s Cubas" uma obra-prima da literatura brasileira escrita por Machado de Assis e publicada em 1881. O livro narrado pelo defunto autor Br s Cubas, que relata suas mem rias de forma irreverente e sarc stica. Atrav s de uma prosa inovadora e repleta...
In these memoirs, Braz Cubas, a wealthy nineteenth-century Brazilian, examines (from beyond the grave) his rather undistinguished life in 160 short chapters that are filled with philosophical digressions and exuberant insights. A clear forerunner of Gabriel Garc a M rquez...
"Be aware that frankness is the prime virtue of a dead man," writes the narrator of The Posthumous Memoirs of Br s Cubas. But while he may be dead, he is surely one of the liveliest characters in fiction, a product of one of the most remarkable imaginations in all of literature,...
Mem?rias P?stumas de Br?s Cubas ? um fascinante romance escrito por Machado de Assis. Obra considerada por muitos como uma das mais revolucion?rias e inovadoras da literatura brasileira. Mesmo depois de mais de um s?culo de sua publica??o original, ainda tem recebido in?meros...
Memorias p stumas de Blas Cubas, es considerada la primera novela realista de la literatura brasile a. La novela est planteada como las memorias de Cubas, que escribe despu s de su muerte. La novela llama la atenci n por su car cter experimental. En cap tulos cort simos, algunos...
Bem-vindo ao maravilhoso mundo de Machado de Assis. Nesta edi o cl ssica do seu romance Mem rias P stumas de Br s Cubas, trazemos at si esta admir vel pe a liter ria do final do s culo XIX e in cio do s culo XX.Mem rias P stumas de Br s Cubas um romance escrito por Machado...
"Mem?rias P?stumas de Br?s Cubas" from Machado de Assis. Escritor brasileiro, amplamente considerado como o maior nome da literatura nacional (1839-1908).
"Be aware that frankness is the prime virtue of a dead man," writes the extraordinary narrator of The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas. "The gaze of public opinion, that sharp and judgmental gaze, loses its virtue the moment we tread the territory of death. I'm not saying that...
Enslaved peoples were brought to the Americas from many places in Africa, but a large majority came from relatively few ethnic groups. Drawing on a wide range of materials in four languages as well as on her lifetime study of slave groups in the New World, Gwendolyn Midlo Hall...
dition bilingue FRAN AIS-PORTUGAIS BR SILIEN. Inclus: lecture audio en version originale portugais-br silien. L'id al pour apprendre le Br silien: lisez M moires posthumes de Br s Cubas en fran ais et portugais-br silien puis, l'aide de votre...
"I am a deceased writer not in the sense of one who has written and is now deceased, but in the sense of one who had died and is now writing." So begins the posthumous memoir of Braz Cubas, a wealthy nineteenth-century Brazilian. Though the grave has given Cubas the distance...