A superb new translation of Dostoyevsky's chilling and prophetic novel of revolutionary fanaticism Pyotr and Stavrogin are the leaders of a Russian revolutionary cell. Their aim is to overthrow the Tsar, destroy society, and seize power for themselves. Together...
The third of Dostoevsky's five major novels, Devils (1871-2), also known as The Possessed, is at once a powerful political tract and a profound study of atheism, depicting the disarray that follows the appearance of a band of modish radicals in a small provincial town. This new...
Set in mid 19th-century Russia, Demons examines the effect of a charismatic but unscrupulous self-styled revolutionary leader on a group of credulous followers. Inspired by the true story of a political murder that horrified Russians in 1869, Fyodor Dostoevsky conceived of Demons...
"What I am writing now is a tendentious thing," Dostoyevsky wrote to a friend in connection with his first outline for The Devils . "I feel like saying everything as passionately as possible. (Let the nihilists and the Westerners scream that I am reactionary ) To hell with them...
&&LDIV&&R&&LDIV&&R&&LI&&RThe Possessed&&L/I&&R, by &&LSTRONG&&RFyodor Dostoevsky&&L/B&&R&&L/B&&R, is part of the &&LI&&RBarnes & Noble Classics&&L/I&&R&&LI&&R &&L/I&&Rseries, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new...
The third of Dostoevsky's five major novels, Devils (1871-2), also known as The Possessed, is at once a powerful political tract and a profound study of atheism, depicting the disarray that follows the appearance of a band of modish radicals in a small provincial town. This new...
How is this book unique? Font adjustments & biography included Unabridged (100% Original content) Illustrated About The Possessed by Fyodor Dostoyevsky The Possessed, novel by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, published in Russian in 1872 as Besy. The book, also known in English as The Devils...
Demons, also known as The Possessed or The Devils, is a dark masterpiece that evokes a world where the lines between and good and evil long ago became blurred. Pyotr Verkhovensky and Nikolai Stavrogin are the leaders of a Russian revolutionary cell. Their aim is to overthrow...