Poor Folk and The Gambler is a collection of two novellas by the renowned Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky. The first novella, Poor Folk, was Dostoevsky's debut work and tells the story of a young couple, Makar Devushkin and Varvara Dobroselova, who are struggling to make ends...
Poor Folk and The Gambler is a two-in-one book by the renowned Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky. The first part of the book, Poor Folk, is an epistolary novel that follows the correspondence between two impoverished individuals, Makar Devushkin and Varvara Dobroselova. The two...
Poor Folk and The Gambler is a combined edition of two novellas written by Fyodor Dostoevsky. The first novella, Poor Folk, is a poignant tale of love and poverty set in 19th century Russia. It follows the correspondence between Makar Devushkin, a lowly government clerk, and...
Poor Folk and The Gambler is a book by the renowned Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky. It is a collection of two novellas, Poor Folk and The Gambler, that explore the themes of poverty, love, and addiction. Poor Folk is a story about a young woman named Makar Devushkin who lives...
Poor Folk and The Gambler is a collection of two novellas by the renowned Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky. The first novella, Poor Folk, tells the story of a young couple, Makar and Varvara, who are struggling to make ends meet in 19th century St. Petersburg. The story is told...