The Pool in the Desert, originally published in 1903, is a collection of four stories that illustrates the blend of sympathy and ironic detachment with which Sara Jeannette Duncan portrayed the British presence in India. Explores the impact of isolation on the small British communities...
In The Pool in the Desert, first published in 1903, Sara Jeannette Duncan explores the impact of isolation on the small British communities of Victorian India. In the four stories collected here--"The Pool in the Desert," "A Mother in India," "An Impossible Ideal," and "The Hesitation...
The Pool In The Desert is a novel written by Sara Jeannette Duncan. The story is set in the late 19th century and revolves around the lives of a group of British and Indian characters living in the fictional town of Palaver. The novel explores themes of colonialism, cultural...
"The Pool in the Desert" from Sara Jeannette Duncan. Canadian author and journalist (1861-1922).
""The Pool In The Desert"" is a novel written by Sara Jeannette Duncan. The story is set in the late 19th century and follows the life of a young woman named Hester Stannard. Hester is a strong-willed and independent woman who is determined to make her own way in the world. She...