An abbreviated version of the definitive work on the destruction of Hungarian Jewry. The Politics of Genocide: The Holocaust in Hungary, Condensed Edition is an abbreviated version of the classic work first published in 1981 and revised and expanded in 1994...
The third revised and updated edition of this comprehensive two-volume history by one of the world's leading experts on the Holocaust provides unparalleled perspective on the destruction of Hungarian Jewry during the Nazi era. A critical component of any collection on the...
An abbreviated version of the definitive work on the destruction of Hungarian Jewry. The Politics of Genocide: The Holocaust in Hungary, Condensed Edition is an abbreviated version of the classic work first published in 1981 and revised and expanded in 1994...
A two-volume set which relates in great detail the horrors that befell Hungarian Jewry during the Nazi era. The text examines the complex historical, political and socioeconomic factors that contributed to the Holocaust, and the unfolding of tragedy in both Jewish and Hungarian...