"We can finally read the work as Camus meant it to be read. Laura Marris's new translation of The Plague is, quite simply, the translation we need to have." --Los Angeles Review of Books The first new translation of The Plague to be published...
"Its relevance lashes you across the face." --Stephen Metcalf, The Los Angeles Times - "A redemptive book, one that wills the reader to believe, even in a time of despair." --Roger Lowenstein, The Washington Post A haunting tale of human resilience...
"We can finally read the work as Camus meant it to be read. Laura Marris's new translation of The Plague is, quite simply, the translation we need to have." --Los Angeles Review of Books The first new translation of The Plague to be published...
The Plague is Albert Camus's world-renowned fable of fear and courage
The townspeople of Oran are in the grip of a deadly plague, which condemns its victims to a swift and horrifying death. Fear, isolation and claustrophobia follow as they are forced into...
Des ph nom nes inqui tants agitent Oran: des rats meurent en grand nombre, puis des hommes sont victimes d'une maladie qui semble tre la peste. La ville se trouve bient t isol e du reste du monde. Face cet enfermement, face la menace diffuse de la mort, l' crivain d crit...
El narrador nos cuenta lo que ha visto en Oran, asolada por la peste: la subida de las ratas que mueren en todas partes, en las calles en las casas; la aparicion de la enfermedad pocos medicos identifican de momento;las medidas cada vez mas severas que toman las autoridades .Finalmente...
La peste, la gran obra del autor franc s que se ha convertido en uno de los libros m s vendidos del momento en Europa. Ambientada a fines de los a os cuarenta del siglo XX en Or n, La peste narra las vicisitudes de una ciudad cerrada durante un inesperado...