Avast ye landlubbers! Meet Captain Kidd, Blackbeard, and other famous pirates and buccaneers'including a few swashbuckling women! Learn everything about pirate life, from the clothes they wore and the ships they sailed to the fate of those who were caught. Make your own treasure map, pirate flag, and ship's biscuits. Packed with facts, photographs, and drawings, this is the essential handbook for any rogue-to-be.'Will fascinate and delight'aspiring young pirates.' ? School Library Journal
Yarr, and you can become a pirate too! I have been a degenerate menace to civilized society ever since. This is the coolest book, every rambunctiously imaginative person should check it out. And some of those imaginative people should write further books on becoming an intergalactic hero, knight, time traveller, robot, cowperson, musketeer, flapper, gangster, bohemian, etcetera, with similar hands on projects that result in cool props...
This is a great book to start learning about pirates.
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 26 years ago
I like this book because it teaches you how to make pirate stuff and it tells you what pirates were really like. It has lots of good pictures of their weapons, maps, flags and clothes. It also describes the different types of pirates. Errol Smith, 8, Montague,NJ
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