"The Phoenix and the Carpet" is a 1904 fantasy children's novel by E. Nesbit. The second in a trilogy of novels beginning with "Five Children and It" (1902), it follows the escapades of the same five children: Anthea, Cyril, Robert, Jane and the "Lamb". In this story, the children...
Puffin Classics bring together the very best children's stories for a whole new generation. In this sequel to FIVE CHILDREN AND IT, the magical adventures of siblings Cyril, Anthea, Robert, Jane and their baby brother continue.
It's startling enough to have a phoenix hatch...
Book two in the Psammead Series, "The Phoenix and the Carpet" is Edith Nesbit's classic fantasy novel for children, following the adventures of five siblings: Cyril, Anthea, Robert, Jane, and Hilary, who discover a mysterious egg in their new nursery carpet. The egg hatches into...
The Phoenix and the Carpet is a fantasy novel for children, written in 1904 by E. Nesbit. It is the second in a trilogy of novels that began with Five Children and It (1902), and follows the adventures of the same five protagonists - Cyril, Anthea, Robert, Jane and the Lamb...
'I love her books - particularly the Five Children and It sequence' - Neil Gaiman
It's startling enough to have a phoenix hatch in your house, but even more startling when it talks and reveals that you have a magic carpet on the floor. The vain and ancient bird accompanies the children on a series of adventures through time and space. This book is a sequel...
It began with the day when it was almost the Fifth of November, and a doubt arose in some breast-Robert's, I fancy-as to the quality of the fireworks laid in for the Guy Fawkes celebration.'They were jolly cheap, ' said whoever it was, and I think it was Robert, 'and suppose...
The Phoenix and the Carpet (1904) is a children's fantasy novel by English writer Edith Nesbit. The second book in Nesbit's beloved Psammead Trilogy-which also includes Five Children and It (1902) and The Story of the Amulet (1906)-The Phoenix and the...
The sequel to Five Children and It follows the wondrous adventures of Robert, Jane, Cyril, Anthea, and The Lamb as they discover a clever phoenix and a magic carpet. The children find an egg in the carpet, which hatches into a talking Phoenix. The Phoenix explains that the carpet...
This anthology is a thorough introduction to classic literature for those who have not yet experienced these literary masterworks. For those who have known and loved these works in the past, this is an invitation to reunite with old friends in a fresh new format. From Shakespeare's...
It's startling enough to have a Phoenix hatch in your house, but even more startling when it reveals you have a magic carpet on the floor. Conceited it may be, but the Phoenix is also good-hearted, and obligingly accompanies the children on their adventures through time and space-which,...
It's startling enough to have a Phoenix hatch in your house, but even more startling when it reveals you have a magic carpet on the floor. Conceited it may be, but the Phoenix is also good-hearted, and obligingly accompanies the children on their adventures through time and space-which,...
The Phoenix and the Carpet is a fantasy novel for children, written by E. Nesbit and first published in 1904. It is the second in a trilogy of novels that begins with Five Children and It (1902), and follows the adventures of the same five children: Cyril, Anthea, Robert, Jane...
It's startling enough to have a Phoenix hatch in your house, but even more startling when it reveals you have a magic carpet on the floor. Conceited it may be, but the Phoenix is also good-hearted, and obligingly accompanies the children on their adventures through time and space-which,...
The Phoenix and the Carpet is a fantasy novel for children, written by E. Nesbit and first published in 1904. It is the second in a trilogy of novels that begins with Five Children and It (1902) and follows the adventures of the same five children: Cyril, Anthea, Robert, Jane...