The Phantom of the Opera is a gothic novel set in the grand Palais Garnier Opera House in Paris during the 1880s. The story revolves around Christine Daa , a talented young soprano, who becomes entangled with the mysterious 'Phantom, ' a disfigured musical genius named Erik who lives in the depths of the opera house. As Christine's childhood friend, Raoul, rekindles his love for her, the Phantom's obsession grows, leading to a series of sinister events. Blending elements of romance, horror, and suspense, the novel explores themes of love, beauty, obsession, and the nature of humanity.
The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux holds historical significance as a blend of gothic romance and mystery, drawing inspiration from real events at the Paris Opera in the 19th century. The novel incorporates elements like the famous Palais Garnier's underground "lake" and the 1896 chandelier accident to create a haunting, fictional tale. Leroux's fascination with detective fiction, influenced by Edgar Allan Poe and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is evident in his detailed and atmospheric storytelling. The novel's rich setting and tragic characters inspired Andrew Lloyd Webber's iconic 1986 musical, cementing its legacy in literature and the arts.
This case laminate collector's edition includes a Victorian inspired dust-jacket.