A ghost summoned with bizarre rituals from the underworld, the elaborate protocol of the Persian court, a thrilling eye-witness account of the battle of Salamis - as the earliest surviving European drama it is of incalculable interest for students of ancient literature: as the...
The Persae is the oldest of surviving plays and its subject matter is unique in ancient drama, since it is concerned with a recent historical event, the defeat of the Persians at Salamis; yet before the publication of this work in 1960, there had been no edition suitable for...
The mighty Xerxes from Darius sprung, The stream of whose rich blood flows in our veins, Leads against Greece; whether his arrowy shower Shot from the strong-braced bow, or the huge spear High brandish'd, in the deathful field prevails.
This is trilogy of Geek tragedies written by Aeschylus which has been culturally important knowledge base of civilization. The work was translated by Robert Potter a classic English scholar in 19th century.We have formatted the book for an easy reading experience if you enjoy...
The mighty Xerxes from Darius sprung, The stream of whose rich blood flows in our veins, Leads against Greece; whether his arrowy shower Shot from the strong-braced bow, or the huge spear High brandish'd, in the deathful field prevails.
The mighty Xerxes from Darius sprung, The stream of whose rich blood flows in our veins, Leads against Greece; whether his arrowy shower Shot from the strong-braced bow, or the huge spear High brandish'd, in the deathful field prevails.