The People of the Mist by H. Rider Haggard is a gripping adventure tale that follows the exploits of Leonard Outram, a down-on-his-luck Englishman seeking fortune in Africa. Determined to reclaim his family's lost wealth, Leonard embarks on a perilous journey deep into the...
The People of the Mist is a classic lost race fantasy novel written by H. Rider Haggard.It is the tale of a British adventurer seeking wealth in the wilds of Africa, finding romance, and discovering a lost race and its monstrous god.
The January afternoon was passing into night, the air was cold and still, so still that not a single twig of the naked beech-trees stirred; on the grass of the meadows lay a thin white rime, half frost, half snow; the firs stood out blackly against a steel-hued sky, and over...
Mass-market paperback
H. Rider Haggard was an English author known for adventure novels set in exotic locations. Haggard is considered to be one of the first writers of the Lost World genre. Haggard's novel The People of the Mist is a fantasy novel about a British adventurer who discovers a lost race...
The People of the Mist is a classic lost race fantasy novel written by H. Rider Haggard. It was first published serially in the weekly magazine Tit-Bits, between December 1893 and August 1894; the first edition in book form was published in London by Longmans in October, 1894...
Leonard Outram, a young Englishman who's just lost his fortune along with and his fiancee's hand, makes an oath: he'll win back his home and live happily ever after. Really Well, sort of. Leonard ends up in Africa, which, at that point in history, was the...
A classic lost world fantasy novel first published in 1894, The People of the Mist is an exciting story about a British adventurer who goes to Africa to seek his fortune, but who finds love and a legendary tribe who worship a giant crocodile god. When Leonard Outram loses...
The People of the Mist is an adventure novel written by H. Rider Haggard. The story is set in Central America and follows the journey of a group of adventurers who are seeking an ancient lost city called K�����r. The group is led by Leonard...
The People Of The Mist is a riveting adventure novel written by H. Rider Haggard. The story is set in the early 16th century and follows the journey of Leonard Outram, a young British explorer, and his companions as they venture into the uncharted territory of Kukuanaland in...
"The People of the Mist" from Henry Rider Haggard. English writer of adventure novels (1856-1925).
The People of the Mist is a classic lost race fantasy novel written by H. Rider Haggard. It was first published serially in the weekly magazine Tit-Bits, between December 1893 and August 1894; the first edition in book form was published in London by Longmans in October, 1894...